“人的解放”问题是贯穿马克思思想发展和转变过程的一个重要问题,也是马克思毕生研究的核心问题。马克思“人的解放”是在扬弃异化的基础上实现人本质的真正占有的现实活动。人工智能以模拟人类智能为目标导向,在当下对个人生活及社会发展产生深远影响。一方面,人工智能技术的广泛应用造成边缘化群体及结构性失业、贫富分化加剧与阶级矛盾激化、技术依赖与能力退化,人工智能成为异己的力量与人本身相对立。另一方面,人工智能实现劳动生产效率的提高,延长自由劳动时间,为人的解放提供了空间;同时,人工智能技术的应用满足人们多方面的需要,加深人的解放程度。正确处理人工智能带来的社会困境,就应将其放在人类发展进程中去考虑如何通过利用人工智能技术助推实现人类解放。The issue of “human emancipation” is an important issue throughout the development and transformation process of Marx’s thought, and it is also the core issue of Marx’s lifelong research. Marx’s “emancipation of man” is a practical activity to realize the true possession of man’s essence on the basis of abandoning alienation. Artificial intelligence is goal-oriented to simulate human intelligence, and has a profound impact on the lives of individuals and the development of society today. On the one hand, the widespread application of AI technology has led to marginalized groups and structural unemployment, the intensification of the gap between the rich and the poor, the intensification of class contradictions, the dependence on technology and the degradation of capabilities. On the other hand, artificial intelligence realizes the improvement of labor production efficiency, prolongs free labor time, and provides space for human liberation;At the same time, the application of artificial intelligence technology meets people’s multifaceted needs and deepens people's emancipation. To properly deal with the social dilemma brought about by artificial intelligence, we should consider how to use artificial intelligence technology to promote human liberation in the process of human development.