在当前的教育中,对学生进行信息技术方面的培养是十分重要的。因为随着时代的发展和社会的进步,人们已经逐渐地认识到了这一点,并且也开始重视起这项工作来。而要想更好地去完成这个任务,就需要学校、家长以及老师共同努力去做出改变。其中最为重要的就是要让学生掌握一定的信息技术知识,这样才能使他们以后有更多的机会去接触这些内容。以学科本质化为核心,使课程内容结构化,并以主题引领课程内容情境化,促进高中信息技术核心素养培养举措的有效落实。作为高中信息技术教师,要顺应新课程改革的发展,要采取多种有效、有趣的教学措施,激发学生的学习兴趣,让他们积极参与到课程的学习中,尽可能地帮助他们更好地掌握信息技术知识,实现提升高中生信息技术实际应用能力的教学目标。本文就高中信息技术面临的现状入手,分析教师应该利用何种教学手段促进学生的信息技术水平发展。In the current education, it is very important to train students in information technology. Because with the development of the times and the progress of society, people have gradually realized this and have begun to pay attention to this work. To do this better, schools, parents and teachers need to work together to make a difference. One of the most important things is to equip students with a certain knowledge of information technology so that they can have more opportunities to be exposed to this content in the future. The course content is structured with the essence of the discipline as the core, and the theme leads the contextualization of the course content, so as to promote the effective implementation of the training measures of high school information technology core literacy. As high school information technology teachers, we should adapt to the development of the new curriculum reform, take a variety of effective and interesting teaching measures, stimulate students’ interest in learning, let them actively participate in the learning of the curriculum, help them better grasp the knowledge of information technology as much as possible, and achieve the teaching goal of improving the practical application ability of high school students information technology. This paper starts with the current situation of information technology in high schools and analyzes what teaching methods teachers should use to promote the development of students’ information technology.